
All I am is find in you
It’s your face my reflection.
I’m done to believe in lies, l letting them go .
I found what I’m looking for.
I found peace in the confusion ,in the suffering ,inside me and finally I can breath again.
No more need to prove.
The new as come all the old is dead
My heart is set on love and I keep my eyes and mind set on things above ...till I dancing in the deep.
All I am is find in you
It’s your face my reflection.
I’m done to believe in lies, l letting them go .
I found what I’m looking for.
I found peace in the confusion ,in the suffering ,inside me and finally I can breath again.
No more need to prove.
The new as come all the old is dead
My heart is set on love and I keep my eyes and mind set on things above ...till I dancing in the deep.
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